Summary of Important School Policies:
Students will be required:
- to act in a mature way
- to be where they are expected to be
- to be on time and prepared for lessons with correct books and materials
- to respect the rights and property of others.
Each student will be treated in a personal and friendly way, and is expected to be polite and courteous at all times. The expectation of all the school is that there is a collective effort to achieve, be responsible for all behaviours and to always show pride in the school. This can be shown by co-operative behaviour, striving to achieve at all time, keeping the playground tidy and looking after each other.
Things to remember
Right place, right time
Speak well to others and value them as people
Text Books:
Text books for all subjects are on loan to students. Students are required to maintain text books in good condition and are responsible for the cost of replacing lost or damaged text books.
Valuable Items:
Items that are materially or sentimentally valuable should not be brought to school. The school cannot accept responsibility if such items are lost or damaged. Please do no expect that assistance will be available to deal with the loss or damage of such items.
Absence and Lateness:
When a student is absent from school, Departmental Regulations require an explanation from the parent. Parents/caregivers can also ring the school before 10.00 am on the day their child is absent advising us of their child's absence. Students can also account for their absences by bringing in a note to the Front Office within one week of the student's return to school. Notes and phone explanations are only accepted from parents or caregivers.
Students arriving late to school must report to the Clinic in ‘A' block to obtain a late note before they go to class.
Students who are repeatedly report late for school and/or lessons, without good reason, may expect lunchtime detention and/or parental interview.
If students need to leave the school during the day (eg to go to the dentist) they must bring a note from their parent/caregiver and give to the office before school.
If students do not have a note from their parent, they will not be permitted to leave the school unless the Deputy or Principal has given special permission. Note: Permission is not automatically given for a student to leave the grounds when parents request it.
Students away from the school who are in uniform may be challenged by departmental or police authorities to show their leave pass.
Under no circumstances should a student leave the school grounds without permission.
Student Illness:
Sick Bay is a service provided by the school for students who are involved in accidents or who become ill during the day. It serves as a temporary care facility until parents can be contacted.
In the event of serious accidents, the Orange Ambulance Service is requested to assist. The cost of the ambulance service is covered by the school. Ambulance Officers determine the extent of injuries and, when appropriate, convey students to hospital. Parents are advised as soon as possible – generally before the ambulance is called.
Prescribed Medicines - Children should not bring their own medication to school.
If your child needs a prescribed medication this should be left with school admin staff in the Print Room by the parent/caregiver. Students in the Support Unit should leave their medication with the Special Education staff. Please indicate clearly the dose to be issued and place medication in an appropriate container. Please label medication on the bottle – not on the lid. Your child is responsible for seeing the office staff or Special Education staff on time. Please note: The school will not issue panadol to any student.
Parents are asked to keep children home if they are ill.
This request is made for the welfare of the student and for the health of fellow students. Parents are also asked to ensure that all injuries are suitably dressed or immobilised prior to student coming to school.
It is important that there be a contact person, either parent or family friend, to collect a child should he/she become ill at school. All families are asked to ensure the school has such a number that is current.
Please advise the school as soon as possible of any changes to the contact person or phone number. Also please update your child's health information form as necessary
Telephone calls:
Students will not be called from classes to accept phone calls, but messages will be taken from family in cases of emergency.
Students with an urgent need to call parents, may report to the Deputy Principal in ‘A' Block. This should not be done in lesson time.
Students must first report to the sick bay if they are ill. They should not try to ring a parent and ask to be taken home without first asking permission. They should not leave school of their own accord.
Bus Pass Forms:
These can be collected from the front office.