Alumni Events
A massive thank you to the past Canobolas students who came to our first special Alumni Event November 2022, which was a great success. We know our audience today of Years 10 and 11 will find inspiration and direction from your past experiences at school, post school journey and words of wisdom to them.
Due to the success of this future Alumni events are planned.
The Alumni list that took part in the November 2022 event was:
Jason Hamling- Mayor of Orange
Sandon Gibbs O’Neal- Bugguru Art
Yvette Rodwell- Speaking on behalf of numerous CRTHS staff who attended here as students
Anthony Redfern- Owner of Forefront Services
Craig Murphy- Helicopter Pilot, owner of Limitless Helicopter
Sam Rodwell- Film Maker
Michael Newman- AECG President and operations manager at OAMS
Mac Reith Snare- 7 news reporter
Nicole Morris (nee Bouffler)- Received full scholarship to USA to play tennis and attend university, worked for NSW Tennis for a decade and now is in community grants at Cadia (a major donator to our Clontarf and the Lake program)
Nat Philpott- Clergate Principal
Martin Zanolla- Criminal Lawyer
Jenna McAtamney- Vet Nurse and runs Animal Studies at TAFE which a lot of our students enrol in.
Gemma Jones- Owns her own beautician business in Orange
And Anneke Jaspers- Senior Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art who sent a video of her story.
Rotary Club of Orange
The Rotary Club of Orange provides an invaluable service to the school. The club offers students a range of opportunities that prepare them to engage, contribute and participate as valuable and respectful citizens in the community. Each program is specifically designed to impart positive social values and leadership skills that will help improve student's quality of life, along with their school and the local community. Programs include: The National Science Forum, Honeywell Engineering Science School, Rotary Youth Leadership Award, Rotary Adventures in Citizenship (RAIC), Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN), Sustainable Living Week and the School Rotary Dinners.
Future Moves - CSU
Future Moves ensures students have a greater awareness of the opportunities that arise from pursuing university study and an understanding of how university might be part of their future, while making school studies more relevant. Its programs, including Future Direction, Skillfix and Real time encourage students to explore career options and the opportunities that come from higher education; inspire students to both consider and access university as a viable option; help students to identify the appropriate pathways to achieve their goals; build awareness of university among students who may think that university is not for them; assist students to identify and overcome real or perceived barriers to tertiary education; familiarise students with university life and options available to them; engage parents with the aim of encouraging and supporting their families' understanding of and aspirations for tertiary education; and work collaboratively with the school to identify opportunities for teacher and student development.